News & Events

Racing for Kids – Celebrity Racecar Drivers Visit Kids at Dell Children’s Hospital

Founded by pediatric cardiologist, Dr. William Pinsky, Racing for Kids uses the popularity of motorsports to generate awareness and funding for children’s medical care. For the past 30 years, Racing For Kids  has been sponsoring celebrity racecar drivers to visit hospitals all over the United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia. Hoping for another Racing for Kids – Celebrity Racecar Drivers Visit Kids at Dell Children’s Hospital

Austin Regional Science Festival 2019

We proudly sent representatives from six companies in our technology family to help out with judging the Junior and Senior projects at the 2019 Austin Energy Regional Science Festival this past week. Neftali Santos, a Digital Light Innovations representative and volunteer judge for the 6-8 grade level projects, said that the event was amazing and that the Austin Regional Science Festival 2019

TyRex Founders Day 2019

At the first of every business year, the entire TyRex Technology Family celebrates its birthday with the annual Founders Day Birthday Celebration. Special guests, family members and every TyRex employee gathered yet again in 2019 to honor employees, catch up on all the exciting programs the TyRex companies have continued to develop, and to reaffirm the TyRex Founders Day 2019

TyRex Halloween Celebration - 2018

TyRex Halloween Celebration 2018

In celebration of Halloween on Wednesday, Oct. 31, the TyRex Family came together for another year of creative competition as pumpkins were decorated and/or carved in hopes of being named “The Great Pumpkin” and family members competed against one another in a costume contest. As in each of the prior 14 years of this event, TyRex Halloween Celebration 2018

TyRex Digital Family Album - Collage

Share Your World, Not Just Your Work

Like any other family, the TyRex family makes memories every day. To help keep up with our business family memories as well as to help us connect with each other more, we’ve developed an internal web platform called the TyRex Digital Family Album. This digital family album (DFA for short) is similar to a traditional Share Your World, Not Just Your Work

TyRex Graphic: TyRex Family Companies

Who is the TyRex Technology Family?

Far from an average manufacturing group, the TyRex family represents creation at its best. TyRex began in 1995, in a small cubicle with the dream of building a world-class organization. Today, the TyRex Family includes eight independent businesses, each focused on a specific market while able to collectively provide customized solutions for the entire life Who is the TyRex Technology Family?

TyRex Founders Day - 2018

TyRex Founders Day 2018

At the first of every business year, the entire TyRex Technology Family celebrates its birthday with the annual Founders Day Birthday Celebration. Special guests, family members and every TyRex employee gathered yet again in 2018 to honor employees, catch up on all the exciting programs the TyRex companies have continued to develop, and to reaffirm the TyRex Founders Day 2018

TyRex Halloween Celebration - 2017

TyRex Halloween Celebration 2017

  On Tuesday, Oct. 31, the TyRex Family came together for another year of creative competition as pumpkins were decorated and/or carved in hopes of being named “The Great Pumpkin” and family members competed against one another in a costume contest. The entries for both contests were absolutely outstanding! Winners were announced at the TyRex TyRex Halloween Celebration 2017

Westwood High School Job Shadow Day - 2017

Westwood High Student Job Shadow

Twelve students from Westwood High School visited TyRex for a few hours yesterday as part of a job shadow project the school has organized for the past three years. Students ranging from 9th grade to 12th grade focusing their high school studies on computer science, engineering, health science and other technologies took advantage of this Westwood High Student Job Shadow

TyRex Bright Ideas BBQ - 2017

TyRex Family Bright Ideas BBQ

The TyRex Family came together for a BBQ Luncheon on Friday, September 15, to launch a new initiative called Bright Ideas. Partners, John Bosch, Jr. and Andrew Cooper, discussed how the TyRex Family needs to think differently in order to be successful in the years to come. By applying such a mindset, TyRex will focus TyRex Family Bright Ideas BBQ