News & Events

TyRex Photo: Matt Ache And Andrew Cooper

iRex and SabeRex Achieve Company Status

iRex Group, Ltd. Achieves Company Status The Custom Cable Division and the Electronics Division of TyRex Group, Ltd. achieved the status of becoming independent companies effective January 1, 2001. The Custom Cable Division is now iRex Group, Ltd., led by Matthew Ache, Company President, specializes in building custom cables, DSL cables and other cable assemblies iRex and SabeRex Achieve Company Status

TyRex Photo: TyRex Entrepreneurial University

TyRex Entrepreneurial University

Congratulations to the first graduating class of the TyRex Entrepreneurial University. Graduates of the fall/winter class included David Armistead, Bill Benker, Rich Burgess, Dottie Daggett, Manuel Flores, Jerry Harshman, Brun Latta, Brian Nesuda, Michael Ouille, Areland Stone and Lewis Wald. The graduates completed a ten-week course, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, which featured the entrepreneur as an TyRex Entrepreneurial University

TyRex Photo: Training In Vietnam

Megladon Conducts Training in Vietnam

Les Robinson, Megladon International Optics Group, conducted a two-day training session for employees in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Some of the best and brightest of Danny Mah’s employees attended this session featuring fiber optic theory and assembly. “We had a few employees that understood English and translated for me, however I discovered I could Megladon Conducts Training in Vietnam

TyRex Graphic: White Paper - Megladon Fiber Optics

Megladon ISO Registered

In August Megladon Manufacturing Group, a member of the TyRex Technology Family, received ISO ( International Organization for Standardization) 9002 Registration. Now Megladon is internationally recognized for their quality management system. The entire Megladon Manufacturing Group Team needs to be commended and acknowledged for its time and effort it took to achieve this special recognition. Megladon ISO Registered

TyRex Photo: Capital Food Bank

TyRex Community Citizenship in Action

Austin Children’s Shelter  The Electronics Division pulled together and collected approximately 300 children’s books, which were then donated to the Austin Children’s Shelter. This organization provides quality services to abandoned, abused and neglected children. Thanks to all of you for making this donation possible!! Capital Area Food Bank On Saturday, June 24th, TyRex employees (and TyRex Community Citizenship in Action

TyRex Photo: TyRex Development

TyRex Tech Development Process

The TyRex Technology Development Process is a unique capital incubator service for emerging technologies. It is a partnership of capital investors, scientists and inventors, participating in start-up companies, and our own TyRex Group, Ltd. affiliates. Our primary focus is on emerging core technologies such as DSL (Digital Subscriber Lines); Fiber Optics, RF Technologies and proprietary TyRex Tech Development Process