Tag Archives: technology

TyRex Unveils AI Tool Blog Header

TyRex Unveils AM-Based AI Tool, Cosmic Inquiry AND Five (5) Voyager Programs Exploring the AM Universe For Unique Manufacturing and 3D Printed Product Ideas

There’s no question about the popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seems like no matter where you turn, AI is the hot topic of discussion. Industries like Additive Manufacturing (AM) and 3D Printing (3DP) are no exceptions to this phenomenon. As a 30-year innovative manufacturer dedicated to continuing our pursuit of technology, TyRex has begun constructing its own AI tool that harnesses the power of machine learning to add to the expansive potential that 3D printing offers.… Read more

Coach's Corner

Coach’s Corner – Q1, 2022

I’d like to take this opportunity to divide my coach’s corner report into two parts: comments on TyRex’s 1st quarter newsletter and an overview of my vision of TyRex’s future, especially focused on its 3D Printing technology knowledge and information.

I am always so proud to add my coach’s corner comments overview to the TyRex Technology Business Family’s activities, accomplishments, anniversary milestones, and special TyRex family events, such as the Valentine’s Day and St.Read more

Coach's Corner

Coach’s Corner – Q4, 2021

In a year of challenges, behind the extraordinary efforts of our TyRex business family, each of our technology business entities individually and collectively successfully moved their business family forward. In spite of battling COVID-19 daily, experiencing a severe winter storm which closed our business for several days, and daily pivoting production schedules due to serious supply chain shortages, TyRex managed to stay financially successful, enjoying monthly special company events along the way as noted by the TyRex Trail of Lights holiday celebration, TyRex Dinoween and our Thanksgiving with many special THANK YOU’s!… Read more