Two of the foundational goals of the TyRex Technology Family are to promote innovative ideas and to connect businesses with our community. One way we’re doing this is by recruiting local businesses in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math to connect with local students and take their science fair project ideas to the next level by donating in-kind products or services. We are also actively recruiting science fair judges and volunteers!
Many students have reached out on their own to businesses in hopes of getting science project help – our companies included – but as a service to the Austin Energy Regional Science Festival we are providing a list of willing businesses to students participating in the Science Fest. Our hope is that this resource will spark more real-world experiences for students as well as provide a simple way for local businesses to make an impact in the community without leaving their office.
We thank you for considering supporting our local STEM students in this way! Please fill out the simple form below if you’d like to be included on this resource for Science Fest participants, and if you have any questions please email us at