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Custom Grommets

A cable house committed to success, iRex understands the importance of going above and beyond for our clients. We leverage our technical expertise and versatile manufacturing capabilities to solve complex challenges and deliver high-quality cable assemblies. In this episode of Under the Wire, iRex cable experts dodge supply chain problems and keep production going with additive manufacturing.

When a supplier was able to only provide a partial order of a grommet needed for wire assembly, our unique problem-solving and design engineering skills kicked into high gear. Knowing that an additive solution could save the day and keep this project on schedule, iRex got permission to redesign and 3D print the grommet at our facility.

The team ran the design through our in-house Carbon M2 3D printer to produce grommets at nearly the same cost as the original part and avoid supply chain issues. 3D printing custom-made grommets allowed our team to sidestep long shipping times and deliver a cable assembly made right and made fast.

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